Frontiers of Psychotherapist Development
Frontiers of Psychotherapist Development Podcast by Daryl Chow, Ph.D.
#3. The Inevitable in Psychotherapy

#3. The Inevitable in Psychotherapy

"The actual path of a raindrop as it goes down the valley is unpredictable, but the general direction is inevitable."~ Kevin Kelly.

In this episode, I spell out 9 potential forces that will shape our future in the field of psychotherapy. If we are stay on the bleeding edge of not only our professional development, and also have an inkling where our field is going, you'd wanna tune to this episode.

Here are the 9 forces to pay attention to: 

1. "We will be wrong."

2. The Inflation of diagnosis

3. There will be new fads

4. The ethics of routine outcome monitoring (ROM)

5. Flesh and machine

6. Practice-based evidence

7. Accountability in professional development activities

8. A movement towards theoretical orientation?


9. YOU.


If you have questions that you like to share on Frontiers Radio, we would love to hear from you! Record in your voice memo, and email it to . I'd do my best to respond to you!

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Frontiers of Psychotherapist Development
Frontiers of Psychotherapist Development Podcast by Daryl Chow, Ph.D.
Welcome to Frontiers Radio! A podcast for psychotherapists who value deep learning and individualized development that translates to better results with the people you aspire to improve.
On the show, you will acquire
1. Cutting edge knowledge that pushes beyond the edge of your development.
2. Deliberate practice principles that are pulled together from the studies of expertise and expert performance in a variety of professional fields, including cognitive sciences about how we learn, behavioral economics, aesthetic arts, social, counselling and clinical psychology and
3. Latest updates and relevant tips from the front-lines of psychotherapy research.