Frontiers of Psychotherapist Development
Frontiers of Psychotherapist Development Podcast by Daryl Chow, Ph.D.
19. How to Elicit Nuanced Feedback Therapy Tip of the Week #6

19. How to Elicit Nuanced Feedback Therapy Tip of the Week #6

In Therapy Tip of the Week #6, we continue on the topic of improving working alliance. Here's my recommendation, when seeking for feedback, avoid talking about... you!

If you have missed the previous videos on how to improve working alliance, here are links:

⏳ Time Stamps:

00:00: Introduction 01:00: Using Depersonalised language 01:42: What Feedback is Not 02:02: Feedback to Feed-Forward 04:14: Summary

Note: Any personally identifiable information in clinical examples used are changed, in order to protect their confidentiality and privacy. 📕 Related Link:

  1. Capturing Weekly Therapy Learnings

  2. How Do You Get Better At Eliciting Feedback?

  3. How Do You Get Better at Receiving Feedback?

📜 Becoming a Deep Learner: If you value lifelong learning and want to leverage this into your clinical effectiveness as a mental health professional, check out The Deep Learner course. --- 🎁 Finally, would like to receive 5 wicked recommendations each Friday? Subscribe to our Frontiers Friday newsletter:   🎯 Here's a sample of past FF newsletters: 1. On Highly Sensitive Persons: 2. On Emotions: 3. On Deliberate Practice:

Frontiers of Psychotherapist Development
Frontiers of Psychotherapist Development Podcast by Daryl Chow, Ph.D.
Welcome to Frontiers Radio! A podcast for psychotherapists who value deep learning and individualized development that translates to better results with the people you aspire to improve.
On the show, you will acquire
1. Cutting edge knowledge that pushes beyond the edge of your development.
2. Deliberate practice principles that are pulled together from the studies of expertise and expert performance in a variety of professional fields, including cognitive sciences about how we learn, behavioral economics, aesthetic arts, social, counselling and clinical psychology and
3. Latest updates and relevant tips from the front-lines of psychotherapy research.