Thank you Daryl, I look forward to your posts and always appreciate them. And I am really looking forward to your new book! Please send a notice as soon as it is ready and available. Happy Friday!

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Thanks Julie. I really hope the material meets expectations.

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Hi Daryl, thanks for your post! Two things that came up for me as I was reading were Somatic Sensory Sensitivity (Highly Sensitive Person / HSP) and the important criteria (for me) of choosing a consultant/supervisor who I feel comfortable sharing my biggest flops and uncertainties with.

The first thought has been important in my journey (as someone who feels deeply understood when reading about the HSP) in normalizing my traits and differences from others, and helping me notice my needs and limits in my personal and work life. I’m not saying that Jung was an HSP. Reading his quotes did remind me of it, though. (It could just be that it’s on my mind and anything would have reminded me of it.)

Second, it’s been helpful to remember that a good consultant for someone else may not be the best fit for me. It’s not just about finding someone who is qualified and knowledgeable, but someone I know I can show up with and share both my successes and screw ups.

Thanks again and congrats on making APA’s editor’s choice your newest book!

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Elizabeth, it is so interesting you mentioned HSP. Carl Jung was the probably the first to suggest this sensitivity trait back in 1913.

He said,

> “This excessive sensitiveness very often brings an enrichment of the personality. . . . Only, when difficult and unusual situations arise, the advantage frequently turns into a very great disadvantage, since calm consideration is then disturbed by untimely affects. Nothing could be more mistaken, though, than to regard this excessive sensitiveness as in itself a pathological character component. If that were really so, we should have to rate about one quarter of humanity as pathological.”

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Congratulations on your paper being listed in Editor's Choice Daryl!

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Hey Daryl, I'm probably showing my age here but can you please bring back the original Daryl? I like reading your articles but prefer to listen. I did not enjoy listening to the American Daryl. He has nothing on the original.

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Ha!! What does "American Daryl" mean?

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I'm referring to the AI generated voice that read the text. He doesn't really sound like an American Daryl but he sounds American and he was reading your stuff so....

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Ha! Generative AI is one thing... But gen AI for voice (or sound) I would avoid.

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Oh Daryl this post came at such a good time! How validating! I become frustrated in many of my relationships and want them to go deeper. After thirty years of practice I am just now realizing that depth won’t happen. The many therapist’s support groups have been to confusing me as they do offer professional support for counter transference issues so I expected more transparency. I have continued to develop a close friend, a trauma therapist, who I can deeply discuss my life. It is precious. Again thank you for presenting this loneliness topic.

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