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Hi Daryl, One of the qualities I appreciate about you, which is reflected in your writing, is the way in which you ask deceptively simple questions which stimulate a complex of responses in me. By saying you’ve been thinking about democracy and free speech and then asking whether and how psychotherapists have been impacted by the political environment with our clients. Sadly, my answer to your question is a concerned “yes”, I have been impacted. And these impacts involve not only my clients, but also my supervisees and my fellow therapists. Because I wrote over 2,000 words about this, I don't want to clog up your comments section. It's called "How an inverted world view has impacted my work as a psychotherapist" & is in my Substack https://vivianbaruch.substack.com/p/how-an-inverted-world-view-has-impacted

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