What is your nature? How would you map yourself on the Big-5, O.C.E.A.N, ranging from -2 to +2? How do your nurture your nature?

O+2, C0, E-2, A0, N+2. Knowing these parameters I nurture my high N by focusing on self-care and embracing my rich introverted life. I can find the positivity in being highly neurotic by being more aware of subtleties while also learning to filter when in safe spaces. Being introverted can fuel my energy to recharge and engage in the world. I also have high sensitivity so the need for quiet time and organization is important. With high openness I nurture my creativity through art and writing.

Finally, how do you let who you are come out in the therapy room, in service of the therapeutic work with your clients?

Being humble, disarming, and reframing negative associations with personality. I think for highly sensitive people it is safe to disclose imperfections so they can feel more whole. My openness shows curiosity and fascination towards my client. With my artistic skills, I am spontaneous by using artful dialogue, activities, and exaggerated expression so they can feel their emotions (quite gestalt).

In response to the research paper you shared, I feel that diagnosing is important, but the way it's framed can impact the individual's future outlook. If the person diagnosing makes the client feel like their future will be tough, it's easy to carry shame and blame themselves. By nurturing their nature and having parents be aware of their predisposition they can learn to work with personality differences as they parent while advocating their child with other authority with less understanding. It think it's also important for the parents to have self-awareness in order to validate the child's inner experience.

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Beatrice, I really appreciate your nuanced take about the use of diagnosis. Big thanks for sharing w us about you too.

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