Hi Daryl, firstly, thank you for your commitment and regular gift of knowledge about ROM Deliberate Practice and lots of other important things about working more effectively with clients.

My use of ORS/SRS waxes and wanes, and I feel like I am about to increase its "routine" use again. The SRS related video was super useful. I have read articles about its development and evidence around usefulness.

What would you recommend as a public domain article targeted at people already using ORS/SRS and want to get even better in its use?


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Hi Peter, thanks for your kind comments.

I'm not sure about public domain articles, but I would recommend,

1. the FIT Manuals (available as a pdf download)

2. An article we wrote some time back (available on Research Gate: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/305655104_Feedback-InformedTreatment_Chapt_Quality_Imprv_in_Behav_H_Miller_Bargmann_Chow_Seidel_Maeschalck_2016?_sg%5B0%5D=aUYzJMpmy9oVzPbw5sbmuTNmB5IingLecKd0S7IzSHDD34xGsTwgkbhmTOUgS5oNTQwZAPkVe01UtPmt5qPBQ6nvUl_fy7HHwQHckZ97.6yLJNI5Exki0Z4uEZGQM7f3sAhpNY8_tkESzvbxKu1Ju5b92sumw0jdvg3ZmyTV8Clxc7qkrc4iize5XounmbA )

3. FIT-Cafe workshops with Scott Miller (Check out his website scottdmiller.com )

4. A self-paced online course called Measured. It's a nuts and bolts of how to integrate the use of measures meaningful into clinical practice.

I've not released this to the public as yet. Let me know if you are interested in this.

Hope this helps.

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